Cel de-al XXV-lea Congres SNPCAR

Vă invităm să participați la Cel de-al XXV-lea Congres SNPCAR şi a 47-a Conferinţă Naţională de Neurologie, Psihiatrie și Profesiuni Asociate Copii şi Adolescenți din România .

24-27 septembrie 2025 – Brașov Hotel Kronwell

Pentru a vă înscrie la congres, vă rugăm să apăsați aici.

Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Asist. Univ. Dr. Cojocaru Adriana – Președinte SNPCAR

Gaudeamus at the 20th Aniversary Congress of the Romanian Society of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry – RSCANP

Autor: Constantin Lupu
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We meet at an Anniversary Congress, a Forum of Medical, Psychological, Genetic, Rehabilitation, Logopaedics, Psychotherapy, Art Therapy and Pain Therapy in Romania. The 20th Congress of RSCANP is an anniversary affirmation and joy, this event allows us to look in the past, present and future with the sense of present and continuing duty. And our future is based on the tradition and dedication of our colleagues in our specialities [1].
We remind our forefathers who have built the foundation of Infantile Neuropsychiatry. The same beautiful thoughts are dedicated to RSCANP sponsors and supporters. We concelebrate four events that are part of the history of medicine, psychology and satellite professions: 30 years since the founding of RSCANP (founded in January 1990), XX Congress of RSCANP, Patoplastic art exhibitions of children and adolescents and artistic creations of our colleagues and the Pain Therapy Session. We bring thanks and congratulations to colleagues with whom we created the professional-scientific and organizational tradition of our meetings, conferences and congresses.
The genealogical tree of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry has multiple roots, an ascending trunk and many branches with names and founding personalities in different countries and in our country. We recall the most important landmarks in the modern history of our specialties:
– On May 19, 1933, Dr. M. TRAMER founded a new branch of medicine called “KINDERPSYCHIATRIE” at the Congress of the Swiss Psychiatric Association, and in 1934 Tramer edited the first Journal of this specialty, contributing to the new term [13].
– In 1935 American doctor Leo KANNER publishes in English the concept of Child Psychiatry – underlining “Child Psychiatry as distinct specialty did not arise – and could not have arisen – before the Twentieth Century” [4].
– World Confirmation takes place in 1937 at the initiative of G.HEUYER, who organized the first “CONGRES INTERNATIONAL OF PSYCHIATRY INFANTILE” in Paris [2].
– In Romania, Dr. Florica Bagdasar and husband Neurosurgeon Dumitru Bagdasar, returned in 1929 to the Hospital from where they went to the USA, that is, in Jimbolia, Timis-Torontal County. At this psychiatric hospital, 150 adult patients and 80 children immobilized in bed were admitted. Dance took over these children by splitting up adults and set up a section she called a INFANTILE PSYCHIATRY section [9].
Here Dr. Florica Bagdasar worked to establish diagnoses, treatments, possibilities of recovery and improvement of the accommodation conditions, mobilization and nutrition of all the patients with additional care staff. The Bagdasar wives practiced in Jimbolia between 1929-1932, humanizing relationships with children and adults hospitalized in Jimbolia, where was the beginning of NEUROSURGERY and CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY in Romania. With this beginning in the NPI speciality, we are among the first countries in the world as pioneers in our specialities [4]. During the 3rd and 4th of the XX centuries AD, there were hospitals of asylum-type children in Gura Raului – Sibiu and Jimbolia, but after the war were founded the big chronicle hospitals from Lugoj, Siret, Paclisa, Targoviste Hill, Oravita, Targu Ocna, where the patients were convicted after Soviet methods of exhaustion, malnutrition, serious hospitalism and vegetative life, with a lot of infant mortality. After 3 years the Bagdasar spouses moved to Cernauţi, then moved to Bucharest, where Dr. Florica Bagdasar founded in 1946 the NPI Center from Str. Vasile Lascăr, and in 1948 he established the first Chair of NPIs in the country at the Faculty of Pediatrics at IMF Bucharest [4]. In the years after World War II, Dr. Florica Bagdasar was the first female minister in the Romanian governments, she represented our country in the Paris delegations where she reintroduced the territory of the country temporarily occupied by the Hungarian horizons and got food aid from the US governments and Sweden during the famine of 1946-1948 in Moldova [4].
In the years to come, the number of NPI specialists who have teamed up with colleagues from the associated professions has grown and there has been a demand for training and refinement material in the desire to get closer to news from other countries. NPI meetings have become necessary to get to know and inform us because there were no books, courses, articles or magazines in our specialties. The only possible professional activities in the Union of Medical Sciences Societies – UMSS – were occasional local meetings or case reports, and rarely a review of the book or article of the UMSS Magazine. These events took place in the university centers of Bucharest, Cluj and Timișoara [9].
The professional meetings in our country began in 1963, but I took into account the statements of my colleagues in Iasi that reminded of a meeting of the Society of Naturalists and Physicians from 1956 with the participation of Professor A. Suchareva from Moscow. Documents (posters, minutes, announcements, articles or photos) were not found about this meeting. It is known that in the concept of RCP, socialism was built in our country by the working class who did not have children or sick neuropsychiatric patients, so the meeting in Iasi gave us the opportunity to use the soviet scientist to justify a UMSS meeting on the inter-county level. So I organized in Timisoara on June 7-8, 1963 an NPI Conference, for which “our two NPI P.Arcan and C.Lupu co-opted Dr. Eliza Ionescu, Conf.Dr. Harry Marcovici, psychologist Iuliana Eremia, speech therapist P.Chitulea and social worker Elena Chitulea. “- This was in fact the first professional meeting organized by NPI specialists and associated professions in Romania – according to the article C.Lupu: “40 Years Remembrance” from the publication “40 years of activity of the NPCA Timisoara Clinic”. Ed. Artpres 2005, pp. 60-70. Our courage was successful because new issues were launched that were approved after a period of denial of the existence of neuropsychiatry caseload in children. We have established the theme with a very current theme for those times: “Organizing the NPI network in Banat” with a critical report on the major hospitals in Siret, Lugoj, Paclisa, Simeria, etc. At this conference, Prof. E. Pamfil presented for the first time in our country two topics that were little approached: Limit Intelligence and Cognitive Dysarmons as important deficiencies to be established in the diagnoses of child and adolescent psychiatry. The following topics were followed: The juvenile delinquency analysis of that period and the child’s speech disorders. The next conference organized by us was that of June 18-19, 1976, entitled “Infant-juvenile Neuropsychiatry Conference” in the elegant Aula Magna of the University of Timisoara, where we had a larger participation. It was an occasion for meeting and knowledge among specialists across the country. Then we inaugurated the presentation of digest works, which was a titanic work for new organizers, but a pleasure for auditors with great opportunities to open talks on the 68 papers submitted. We were in 1976, but we were able to edit the volume with digest. In 1982, the group of colleagues at NPI Lugoj Hospital, MD. Borbil Lucian, MD. Catanici Ana, MD. Romeo Pârvulescu, MD. Frangulea Rodica and MD. Tocaci Constantin invited us to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the megahospital NPI Lugoj, who also took over the children from the Jimbolia Section. The arrangement in Lugoj was a success. The posters and ceramics offered to the participants were Leonardo Da Vinci’s head and the atmosphere was very enjoyable under the sun in June 1982. The theme of the meeting was: “Behavioral disorders – psychology and infant-juvenile psychopathology”. It is important to remember the annual meetings in Sibiu – Păltiniș organized by Neuropsychiatry Hospital Sibiu between 1968-1984. These meetings were attended by specialists from the country and with the “approval” of UMSS, we met with romanian philosopher Constantin Noica, a resident of a small cottage in Păltiniș resort. In 1985 we also organized in the Aula Magna of the University of Timișoara the National Conference of September 26-27, which was a NPI celebration, ending with the ball of the NPI Clinic’s Dining Room and with a document album showing the value of the staff NPI of those times. The topic of this processed and updated congress was published in the volume of 220 pages “Minor Brain Diseases and Dysfunctions”.
In September 1987, I was able to obtain a 30-day passport and visa for Bulgaria one day before the Varna Congress to attend the 8th Congress of E.S.C.A.P. (European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), being the first novel to participate in a European Congress of Child Psychiatry, having the opportunity to introduce Sir M.Rutter, Prof. Remschmid, Prof. Graham (London), Prof. Golnitz (GDR), Prof. Christozov (Sofia-Bulgaria) and others, who enjoyed having finally a doctor come from Romania. I actively participated in the December 1989 events in Timișoara, and in the early days of January 1990 when we found out that professional associations could be established, I convened a meeting of my colleagues in the methodological area of the Timișoara University Center at the NPI section in Arad, led by Dr. Iudith Krisbai. Those from Timiș, Arad, Caraș Severin, Alba, Hunedoara, Bihor, Sibiu, Mehedinţi and Gorj responded to found the Romanian Society of Child and Adolescent Neurology-Psychiatry. At the meeting on 27-30 January 1990 in Arad, the following table was done and signed with the members of the Association of Neuropsychiatry for Children-Adolescents with 36 signatures offered by FREE ADJOINMENT of the following founders of the Society of Neurology-Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent and Associate Professions from Romania [11].

RSCANP is the first decentralized, medical nongovernmental NGO, independent and apolitical, and continues the experience and tradition of our specialities in Romania. RSCANP was founded on 27-30 January 1990 in order to provide us with a professional identity and representation alongside other medical specialities in the country and abroad [12].
At the foundation of RSCANP, we replaced the Infantile Neuropsychiatry title with the real name of our occupations that range from 0-18 (20) years – becoming the Society of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry. Thus our specialities have entered into legality referring to the development and pathology of the ages of infants, children, adolescents and young people [11].
After setting up RSCANP, we had the right to name our meetings taking into account the previous annual ones, depending on the extent and the topics debated as follows:

It is important to know that the RSCANP step by step has progressed organizationally and professionally, bringing news and updates in the fields of neurology, psychiatry and associated professions, epilepsy, autism, psychotherapy and psychosomatic rehabilitation [11].
Our collaborations with the medical specialities in the field of Nervous Central and Periferic System are permanent through conception and continuity. First of all we appeal to the competence of Neurosurgeons, radiologists and imagistic specialists, knowing that in neurological pathology we are obliged to establish by differential diagnosis the existence of lesions, malformations or neurological evolutive processes. The same collaboration we have with neonatologists, family doctors, geneticists, oncologists, radiotherapists, specialists in sociology, algeziology and rehabilitation. These information and collaborations are part of our diagnoses and rights of people with disabilities, NPCA specialists state the age, symptoms, diagnosis and onset of these diseases In the RSCANP, new topics were approached, with scientific researches in population genetics, the study and identification of prepsychotic states in children and adolescents, we have priority in the diagnosis of rare neuromuscular diseases, and psychiatry of the child have updated the applications of psychoanalysis [6].
We needed the approaches and reminders in the jatroistry of the specialities and personalities of our professions and for these researches was set up within RSCANP, the NPCA History Study Group. These steps have placed us among the other medical specialities in our country. We have presented some of the features of our professions, which we present at the 20th anniversary congress, which is a historical and professional balance. The contribution of specialists in Neurology and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the history of medicine in our country, present in all counties of the NPCA teams, has changed and modernized the approach and treatments of the suffering of patients with neuropsychiatric diseases, we have also started preventive activities in neuropsychiatric genetic diseases, carried out population studies in human isolates by displacement in areas with AD (autosomal dominant) pathologies AR (autosomal recessive) and in cases with congenital malformations [5].
An important contribution to prophylaxis is provided by working with Mental Health Centers dedicated to the ages of the child, adolescent and their families.
We will continue to research the psychopathological phenomena of orphanology, the psychopathology of separation of children from parents, trafficking and aggression on children and adolescents, the slavery of minors in the XXI century and, of course, the problems of gifted children, and in neuropediatry with research on the etiopathogenesis of diseases genetic and rehabilitation – rehabilitation of children’s suffering. We have collected documents for writing the history of neuropsychiatry, genetics, psycho-pedagogical aspects, defectology, and rehabilitation-rehabilitation of the ages we are dealing with, including drug use at school ages – in order to compile the HISTORY of NEUROLOY and PSYCHIATRY of the CHILD and ADOLESCENT provide us with the cabinets, the centers, the hospitals or the clinics you practice.
For our anniversary congress we created an emblem composed of the RSCANP badge attached to the outline of the Romanian map, with the significance of representing the participants from all over the country during our congress, to which we will all be photographed as a document for our descendants.