During the National Congress of Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Prof. dr. Alexandru Vlad CIUREA received a deserved distinction that honours the medical community in our country.
The Board of Italian Neurosurgery Society (Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia – SINch) awarded the title of Honorary Member to the renowned Romanian neurosurgeon. Prof. A.V. CIUREA was presented by Prof. Francesco Tomasello, former president of SINch (2004-2006), Director of the Clinic of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, who highlighted the Romanian scientist’s contributions in neurosurgery and health management.
Prof. Ciurea made two presentations at the congress: one on the history of neurosurgery, and a second one aimed at comparative medicine in the field of neuroscience.
In his speech, Prof. Ciurea gave a posthumous eulogy to a remarkable personality of World neurosurgery, Ladislau STEINER (1920 2013). “By his seriousness, modesty, dedication, creativity, by his non-conflictual nature and spiritual attachment to the country of origin and by his role as ambassador of Romanian neurosurgery, Professor Ladislau Steiner is a model offered to the younger generation of neurosurgeons.” said Prof. A.V. Ciurea. Born in a Transylvanian village, among shepherd, Ladislaus Steiner came to work in prestigious universities and be coveted by many clinics in the world. The second presentation, “A Comparative Study between the Neuro-anatomy and Neuropathology of Humans and dolphins” was received with great interest. The human-dolphin relationship has been analyzed from various perspectives: comparative medicine, genetics, pathology and sociobiology. The Romanian specialist spoke about the human brain and the one of the dolphin, about the surprising intelligence and complex tasks that dolphins are capable of, about their social behaviour and acoustic communication, presenting diseases that are common to man and dolphin.
Dolphins cooperate and have supportive behaviour in their groups. Their intelligence andability to interact with their own species, but also with other species have led researchers to believe that dolphins can be given as an example for relations among humans.
The study of dolphins in captivity showed various interactions, which led further to the involvement of dolphins in healing processes of patients with disabilities or various traumas. Research has shown that dolphins may be a solution in the therapy of moderate forms of depression. United States Navy Mammal Program trains dolphins to identify underwater mines and to participate in rescue missions, and they have often been used in “top secret operations”. This presentation has brought biomimetics to the attention of the audience and nature’s innovative solutions, because nature inspires, provides solutions and healing. It is model, measure and mentor.
The presentation was also an opportunity to highlight the historical and spiritual path of Romania and ltaly for centuries. Prof. Ciurea spoke about Dacia, the Romanian soul and the fluid that exists between the Romanian and Italian peoples.
The 62nd National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, which was held in Palermo, was attended by important personalities in European neurosurgery:
Helmut Bertalanffy, Institute of Neurosurgery in Hanover; Alexandru Vlad Ciurea , Head of Neurosurgery Department of “Sanador” Hospital, Bucharest, Vice President of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societie; George Bernard , Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris; Paolo Cappabianca, University Federico II, Napoli; Roberto Delfini, University “La Sapienza” Rome; Francesco Tomasello, University Messina.
Among the innovations included in the Conference one may mention: the special interest in young physicians, video sessions (“Anxiety and fear in the operating room”) round tables on health economics and professional responsibility issues, the round table entitled “The impact of the financial crisis on the industry of medical devices”, electronic posters.
The three-day congress was organized in sessions which tackled subjects such as lumbar disc herniation, indications of deep brain stimulation, monitoring intracranial pressure, traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves, Chiari syndrome, traumatic injuries of peripheral nervous system, integrated treatment of gliomas, endoscopic techniques in intraventricular lesions, multidisciplinary treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations, chordomas –prevention and treatment of aesthetic damage.