Board of directors of SNPCAR since September 2023
- President of SNPCAR:
- Asist. Prof. Dr. Adriana Cojocaru
- Vice Presidents of SNPCAR:
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raluca Teleanu
- Dr. Axinia Corches
- General Secretary of SNPCAR:
- Dr. Jennifer Josan
- Deputy Secretary of SNPCAR:
- Dr. Alexandra Serban
- Members of the Board of Directors:
- Prof. Dr. Viorel Lupu
- Prof. Dr. Svetlana Hadjiu
- Prof. Psych. Dr. Ramona Lupu
- Head of Assistants. Dr. Eva Elkan
- Dr. Cătălina Anastasescu
- Dr. Maria Dardai
- Psych. Lorica Gheorghiu
Various types of rooms at preferential rates have been booked in Iasi for the congress participants. The organizers recommend the Unirea hotel – the venue of the congress. Rooms booked via other agencies or directly at hotels will not be supervised by the organizers. - NOTA:Rates are inclusive of breakfast, all taxes, VAT. The rates are also available on the congress website. The site will be constantly updated to refl ect the availability.
Accomodation of participants can be made through company: Romania Travel Plus - Contact: Lavinia Bodislav
- Tel.: 0040 21 230 51 10 /0040 21 230 42 82
- Fax: 0040 21 230 50 42
- Mobil: 0040 724 388 430
- Email:
- Web:
- How to book your accommodation: Participants are invited to send an accommodation request by e-mail, at the following address: As the number of rooms booked for the Congress is limited, please wait for the availability confirmation before making the payment. The final confi rmation will be sent after you pay for the booked accommodation.
How to pay for your accommodation:
Accommodation payments will be made on behalf of Romania Travel Plus: Cont IBAN: RO58 INGB 0001 0001 3596 8954 Banca: ING Bank CUI/CIF: ROI0I24944 - First Announcement
- Congress – Baile Felix 18.09.2019-21.09.2019
- First Announcement – RSNPCAR Congress, Sovata – 21-24.09.2016
- First Announcement – RSNPCAR Congress, Sibiu – 23-26.09.2015
- 20th October 2011, in Cluj Napoca will take place the First Gambling International Conference in Romania, organised by RASG (Romanian Assoication for the Study of Gambling) si EASG (European Association for the Study of Gambling), “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca and “Iuliu Hatieganu” University Cluj-Napoca
- RSNPCAR organizes in Poiana Brasov, between 21-25 September 2011, The 12th Congress and The 34rd National Conference of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry and Allied Professions. For further info please visit the Events section.
- European Human Genetics Conference, May 28-31, 2011 – Amsterdam, Netherlands.
For more details click here. - National Conference on Neurology, Development Psychiatry and Recovery with international participation, Sibiu, 26 – 28 May 2011, email,
contact person: Marius Olariu or Mihai Otoiu phone 0269-215839 - World Mental Health Congress, 17-21 Octomber 2011, Cape Town, South Africa
- 6th European Congress on Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence, Bologna – Italy, May 5-7, 2011
- The SNPCAR 20th Year Celebration will be held within the 11th Congress.
- Optional congress social program in 27.09.2010.
Please confirm participation until 01.09.2010. - RSNPCAR organizes in Targu-Mures, between 22-26 September 2010, The 11th Congress and The 33rd National Conference of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry and Allied Professions.
- CNCSIS Accreditation Criteria:
– Each issue of the Journal must contain un article of a foreign author
– The Journal must be included in an international database that has CNSIS agreement
– The Journal must be edited also in an International language - In order to support the Journal, articles of Romanian and foreign authors are needed. These articles have to follow the CNCSIS accreditation criteria.
- First issue of the Journal in 2010 (issue 13) is written both in Romanian and English
- Starting with issues 3 and 4 / 2009, The Journal for Neurology and Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent in Romania has a new ISSN number
- RSNPCAR Board started the procedures for CNCSIS accreditation for The Journal for Neurology and Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent in Romania
- RSCANP Board starting with September 2009:
- President:
Prof. Univ. Dr. Laura Nussbaum, Timişoara - Vice-presidents:
Dr. Axinia Corcheș, Timișoara
Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Lupu, Cluj-Napoca - Secretary:
Dr.Adriana Cojocaru, Timişoara - General Secretary:
Dr. Alexandru Sulger, Timișoara - Members:
Prof. Univ. Dr. Svetlana Hadjiu, Chișinău
Conf. Univ. Dr. Alexandru Cristea, Cluj- Napoca
Dr. Ioan Roman, Baia Mare
Dr. Ligia Robănescu, București
Kinet. Marina Pop, Timișoara
Psih. Lorica Gheorghiu, Timișoara
Psih. Dr. Ramona Lupu, Cluj-Napoca - Members of IACAPAP and ESCAP