Cel de-al XXV-lea Congres SNPCAR

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24-27 septembrie 2025 – Brașov Hotel Kronwell

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Asist. Univ. Dr. Cojocaru Adriana – Președinte SNPCAR

Psychological prophylaxis of children and adolescents – society’s challenges aspects

Autor: Daniela Laura Câmpean Viorel Lupu Izabela Ramona Lupu Maria Eliza Rus
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In case of children and adolescents with a high of developing mental disorders the specifi c primary psychological prophylaxis stands for raising quality of life meaning preserving mental health. In our department we observed during 2018 a number of 500 children and adolescents identifying risk factors for developing psychological disorders: abuse; abandon; one parent raising the child; divorce; age of conception; somatic or neurologic associated disorders; presence of autism like factors; addiction – PC, gambling, social media; bullying; death of parents or tutors; aggressive behaviors valorizations. Evaluation and intervention were successfully applied – minor’s, families’ and teacher’s counseling, psychotherapy focused on subject and family, social assistance, socio-professional reintegration. Intervention was effi cient for 350 children and adolescents, some of the obstacles encountered referring to lack of collaboration and inappropriate psychopedagogical measures Key words: specifi c primary prophylaxis, multidisciplinary team, psychological trauma, addiction INTRODUCTION Primary psychoprophylaxis takes into account the whole theoretical basis and all the ways and means designed to prevent the occurrence of neuropsychological dysfunctions and the psychopathological or somatic disorders related to them (Prof. MD PhD Milea Ştefan – Pediatric primary psychoprophylaxis – an idea from which the time came). The basis of primary psychoprophylaxis in children and adolescents concerns the continuity of the process, integration in the general social context, participation of the multidisciplinary team, achieving a balance between primary prevention and curative assistance. It is also necessary to scientifically evaluate the data of preventive measures and to perceive mental health as a component of public health, in which the entire medical community will participate (Prof. MD. PhD Milea Ştefan – Primary psychoprophylaxis – an idea whose time has come).

Starting from the challenges of contemporary society – addictions, abuse, abandonment, bullying, light autism, sexual behavior disorders, youth violence and crime, we have tried, to develop and apply methods of primary psychoprophylaxis to children and families at increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders.
In 2018, 500 children with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders were examined and counseled. The parents of these children benefited from parental counseling. As risk factors in the occurrence of mental disorders were identified: somatic, neuropsychological, social and associated factors. Somatic factors: chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, BK negative BK have been associated with bullying and emotional abuse. Neuropsychiatric factors: neurological, genetic, epilepsy – vulnerable premorbid personalities regarding the development of psychiatric disorders under the influence of triggering factors. They were associated with addictions, behavioral disorders, juvenile crime, autism light. Children and their families have benefited from medical, psychological and social evaluation and intervention. Specific drug therapies were used according to the protocols, individual counseling, parental counseling, social assistance measures. Children and families at high risk for abandonment, abuse, addictions, inappropriate behavioral pattern, single parent families, domestic violence, families in divorce, families undergoing major psychotrauma – the death of one or more family members, deficiencies were identified material and emotionally important. Connections were established with all family members to the extent possible. the possibilities, with the educators, to apply appropriate psycho-pedagogical measures, especially for children with behavioral and/or developmental disorders, with representatives from the protection of the child.

We obtained favorable results in 350 cases, representing a percentage of 70%. The positive results were correlated with the adequate psychic development of the child, with an adequate capacity for understanding and managing the different situations by the parents, with the appropriate approach of the child in the school environment, depending on his needs and abilities. In 150 cases, representing 30% of the total, we obtained partial results, due to the following factors: the delay in the neuropsychic development of the child, the oppositional behavior of the child, the poor collaboration with the family due to subculturality, some problems of somatic and / or neuropsychic health of erroneous mentalities. pre-existing, excessive use of inappropriate coercive methods, presence of addictions in families, poor collaboration with communities frequented by children. Considering the increasing frequency and intensity of psychic disorders in contemporary society, we consider the following aspects important. 1. Laws coherent in the field of Mental Health with the treatment of Mental Health in general, of the child and adolescent in particular as a national priority in the field of health; 2. Elaboration of clear directions of intervention by spatialists in the field of mental health; 3. Unlocking positions in the field of Mental Health; 4.Super specializations in: judicial psychiatry in children and adolescents, stress management, psychotraumatology, early attachment and intervention in the mother-child and child-family relationship; 5. Early education in schools, in the gymnasium on addictions and bullying; 6. Collaboration with all the factors involved in ensuring the health of children and adolescents and respecting their rights; 7. Elaborate a coherent legislation in the field of the rights of children and adolescents with placing them in the foreground. CONCLUSIONS Primary psychoprophylaxis in the case of children and adolescents in a responsible society represents a desire not a fad. The counseling of biological parents, those who adopt children, other parents, maternal assistants, employees in placement centers must be a priority, early and obligatory. (Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids – MD Laura Markham; How to raise the child as parents, grandparents, doctors and educators – Hope Farca) Employment in units that care for children must, in addition to judicial, moral and professional criteria, take into account empathic abilities and ability. Ultimately it depends on us what we want – a society based on altruism and tolerance or an unbalanced and violent one.

1. Farca S. – Cum intampinam copilul ca parinti,bunici,medici si educatori – editura Trei,2009 – pag.15-149
2. Sadock B.J.,Sadock V.A.,Ruiz P.- Study Guide and SelfExamination Review in Psychiatry – Lippincott Williams and Wilkins – 2011 – pag.300-310
3. Markham L.- Peaceful Parent,Happy Kids – Penguin Group USA – 2012 – pag.3-32.
4. Nelson-Jones R.- Manual de consiliere – editura Trei 2009 – pag.33-43
5. Psihoprofi laxia Primara specifica tulburarilor psihice la copil si adolescent,categorii de copii cu risc crescut – recenzie de carte – Revista Romana de Pediatrie – Vol.LVIII,No.3,An 2009.