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25-28 septembrie 2024 – CRAIOVA, Hotel Ramada

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Asist. Univ. Dr. Cojocaru Adriana – Președinte SNPCAR

Informații şi înregistrări: vezi primul anunț 


Autor: Anda Maria Jurma Tiberiu Mircea
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Introduction. A child with autism is a permanent challenge for entire family, because the major behaviour problems of him. In these situations the siblings must cope in front of the roles changes’ and family’s structure, the increase of stress and family’s conflicts.

Method. We included in study 21 siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 23 siblings of children with normal development. We utilised three instruments: CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist), SCL 90 (Simptoms Checklist) and FAD (Family Assessment Device); all instruments were adressed to the parents.

Results. Siblings of children with autism have no more behavioral or emotional problems comparative with the siblings of children with normal development. Mothers of children with autistic spectrum disorder have more obsessions and depressive symptoms than the fathers and the mothers of children with normal development. In families of children with autistic spectrum disorder, when the parents are affected, the emotional and behavioral problems of the siblings are bigger and the family functioning is more perturbed.