Introduction: Siringomyelia in children represents a enough frequent neurological disorder, in some cases with associated clinic manifest symptoms, in other situations remaining silent but with evolutinoary potential, sometimes very dangerous for the patient but unknown. The causes of syringomyelia can be multiple, which can be congenital, genetic or achieved in childhood. Objectives: We proposed to investigate the different forms of syringomyelia to review the literature in this field and to offer diagnsotic atitudes, therapeutic and for rehabilitation, on the basis of the newest protocols in this field. Material and methods: We reviewed the articles in Pubmed and from the sites of the professional associations in this field. Results: The last research showed the frequent associaton between scoliosis and syringomyelia, thatţs why some forms of scoliosis can be further investigated developing the accompanying syringomyelia wih it. In the child with anterior unknown syringomyelia can appear anesthesic incidents when it is a known syringomyelia. Conclusions: The approach to syringomyelia is different depending on the degree of length, the asscociated apthology as also the discomfort of the discomfort of the patient, the magnetic resonance beeing a basic investigations in this syndromes , as also the same importance having the electromyography, genetic tests, meta- bolic tests, as also pain scales or that of the quality of life. Discussions: Myelopathy which accompanies syringomyelia is of different degrees, as also the malformation of the atlantocervical jonction, as also situations like the artropathy of the shoulder, phenomena which must be not forgotten or neglected.
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