Board of directors of SNPCAR since September 2023
Asist. Prof. Dr. Adriana Cojocaru
Vice Presidents :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raluca Teleanu
Dr. Axinia Corches
General Secretary:
Dr. Jennifer Josan
Deputy Secretary:
Dr. Alexandra Serban
Members of the Board of Directors:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Lupu
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Hadjiu
Prof. Psych. Dr. Ramona Lupu
Head of Assistants. Dr. Eva Elkan
Dr. Cătălina Anastasescu
Dr. Maria Dardai
Psych. Lorica Gheorghiu
- Benga Ileana – Prof. PhD, UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj Napoca
- Burloiu Carmen – MD Pediatric Neurology Cl., „Al. Obregia” Hospital
- Ciurea Alexandru Vladimir – Acad. Prof. PhD,Neurosurgery Cl. “Bagdasar-Arseni” Hospital, UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
- Craiu Dana – Prof., Pediatric Neurology Cl., „Al. Obregia” Hospital
- Cristea Alexandru – Conf. PhD, Pediatric Neurology, UMF “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca
- Foişoreanu Voica – Prof. PhD, Pediatric Neurology, UMF Targu Mures
- Lupu Viorel – Conf. PhD, Pediatric Psychiatry Cl. UMF “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca
- Măgureanu Sanda – Acad. Prof. PhD, „Al. Obregia” Hospital , UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
- Nussbaum Laura – Conf, PhD, UMF “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Discipline, CANP Cl., Timișoara
- Roman Ioan – MD, Pediatric Psychiatry and Neurology, Baia Mare Emergency County Hospital
- Stan Violeta – SL, CANP Cl., UMF “Victor Babes” Timisoara
International Editorial Board
- Derevensky, Jeffrey L. – Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry McGill University, Montreal,Canada
- Hadjiu Svetlana – Conf. PhD, USMF “Nicolae Testemitanu” Chisinau, Moldova Republic
- Mazet Philippe – Prof. PhD, “Petie Salpetrie” Hospital, Paris, France
- Mayer Hans – Psychologist, Kork Epilepsy Centre, Germany
- Neville Brian – Prof. PhD, London National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy, Great Britain
- Pogančev-Knězević Marija – Prof. PhD, UMF Novi Sad, CANP Cl., „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Belgrad, Serbia
- Vetró Ágnes – MD PhD., Psihiatry and Neurology Dept., Szeged, Hungary
- Wiemer-Kruel Adelheid – MD, Kork Epilepsy Centre, Germany