The Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, management of neurologic and psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, as well as psychotherapy,family therapy,related molecular genetics, pathophysiology and epidemiology.
The journal is focused on the needs of the actual scientific and research community and is committed to publishing original articles, studies, reviews, case reports of high scientific value and impact, with relevant contribution in the domain. The journal encourages researches that utilize modern investigation methods.
The journal publishes the following types of articles:
• Original Articles / Papers (Title Page, Ab- stract, Keywords, Introduction/ Background, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Refer- ences, Figures and Tables) – original research, studies of high scientific value;
• Reviews, Meta-Analyses (Title Page, Ab- stract, Keywords, Introduction/ Background, Discussion, Summary, Acknowledgements, References, Figures and Tables) – research syn- theses in a given area, evidence synthesis of dif- ferent existing studies or of already existing study results;
• Case Reports (Title Page,Abstract,Keywords, Introduction/ Background, Case Presenta- tion, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowl- edgements, References, Figures and Tables) – shorter, report-limited studies of patient cases;
• Conference Announcements, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews – sections that appear in the journal from time to time.
The authors are requested to read the following instructions carefully and to respect them when preparing their manuscript!
General Requirements and Rules
• Manuscripts should be written in Romanian and English. An English authorized transla- tor will edit the manuscript professionally to make sure the language is of high quality
• All manuscripts submitted are subject to peer- review – originality and quality being deter- mined by at least 2-3 independent reviewers and it is intended that decisions on publica- tion will be made in a timely manner after the receipt of a submitted manuscript
• The manuscripts must be sent in two copies to the Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neurol- ogy and Psychiatry, 7 Corbului Street, 300239, Timișoara, Romania, mentioning on the en- velope “For the Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry” and in electronic format (CD, DVD) or by e-mail: and axiniacorches@
Electronic and Format Requirements of the Manuscript
The manuscript should be typed, single-spaced, using the template of Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry.
The preferred format software is MS Word (97- 2003, 2007), (DOC, DOCX)
– Times New Roman 12 pts, paragraph indent cm for the text and Adobe Photoshop, PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint (PPT) or Corel for the figures /diagrams and MS Excel for the charts. Images should have a resolution of at least 600 dpi. Figures that contain only photographic data and the images are best submitted in a bitmap format such as TIFF, JPEG or PNG and their final resolution should be a minimum of 600 dpi.
The text should be in single-column format and the layout of the text should be kept as simple as possible.
The pages should be numbered consecutively and organized into the following sections: Title, Abstract and Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Figures.
a. Title Page
The title page should include: (1) the title of the article, short and descriptive, written clearly both in English and Romanian and should contain the topic of the article; (2) First name and last name of each author;
(3) Position title and academic degree of each author;
(4) Names of departments and institutions where the authors are affiliated; (5) Institutional postal address, phone / fax numbers, e-mail of the authors;
b. Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should be presented on a separate sheet of paper, both in Romanian and English and should not be longer than 250 words.
The abstract must be structured into separate sections: Introduction – the context and background of the study; Methods – how the study was performed and statistical test used; Results – the main findings obtained; Conclusions – brief summary and implications.
No references should be cited in the abstract. The abstract must be very clear and concise because it must be able to stand-alone, often being presented separately.
Immediately after the abstract, keywords – max. 6 should be provided.
c. Main Text
The manuscript should be written clearly and concisely.
The text should be structured into the following separate sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions
d. Acknowledgments
Place acknowledgments, including information on grants received, on the sources of funding for the manuscript preparation before the references, in a separate section, on a separate page.
Please, also acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article by making substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition, analysis of data, or anyone who was involved for the manuscript preparation, but who does not meet the criteria for authorship.
e. References
References should be indicated by consecutive numbers in square brackets and should be cited in consecutive order of their appearance in the text.
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
List the names of all the authors. The References will contain: the surname and the initials of the name of the authors, the title, source ( Journal names should be abbreviated according to “Index Medicus”), year, volume and page numbers; the paper should contain recently published papers. The References of books will contain: the surname and initials of the name of the authors, the title of the book, the publishing house, the city where it was published, the year and the page or the pages of the reference
The references should be typed in the following (Vancouver) style:
Examples of the Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry reference style:
Article within a journal
Nussbaum L, Gradinaru R, Andreescu N, Dumitrascu V, Tudor A, Suciu L, Stefanescu R, Puiu M – The Response to Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Correlation with the CYP2D6 Genotype:
Clinical Implications and Perspectives. Farmacia, 2014, 62 (6):1191-1201
Article within a journal by DOI
Slifka MK, Whitton JL. Clinical Implications of Dysregulated Cytokine Production. Dig J Mol Med. 2000; doi: 10.1007/s801090000086
Article within a journal supplement Nussbaum L, Nussbaum LM. A 10 Year Prospective Study on Childhood Onset Psychoses. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2014, 8 Suppl 1 : 71.
Book Chapter or an article within a book Nussbaum L. Child and Adolescent Psychotic Disorders. In: Treatise Of Developmental Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Artpress, Timisoara, 2008, p. 334 – 375.
Complete book authored
Nussbaum L.,Nussbaum LM.The Management of Child and Adolescent Psychoses. Artpress, Timisoara, 2012.
f. Tables and Figures
Tables and Figures must be typed, on separate pages, one per sheet, at the end of the manuscript.
The Figures must be numbered and mentioned in the text,in the order they appear,using Arabic numbers and Roman numbers must be used for the Tables.The descriptive titles and legends of the illustrations must allow a full understanding of their significance. Mark the appropriate position of a figure/ table in the text.
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, except in the form of an abstract, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its publication is approved by all authors. The authors should submit only data that have arisen from human or animal experimentation carried out in an ethically proper way by following the existing guidelines.
Our policy is based on Romanian Data Protection Law, patient’s rights law and the traditions of medical ethics: obtaining the informed consent, respecting confidentiality.
Open Access Policy
Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public, supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.